The mission authorization request must be entered on the INFN portal In case of portal malfunction contact the mission office For a first mission, send an email to with: - Employees of other PAs - Research grants, Scholarship holders, Undergraduates, PhD students - Retirees The request for authorization must be presented within the times indicated below - missions in Italy and Europe: 5 working days prior to the start date of the mission; - missions in the USA and in other non-European locations: 7 working days prior to the start of the mission. The following cases are exceptions as authorization from the Director is required before opening the mission on the user portal: - missions in European and non-European locations for undergraduates, postgraduates - missions in Italian, European and non-European locations for Affiliates - participation in Schools for research fellows, scholarship holders, undergraduates, postgraduates, perfecting students and doctoral students in these three cases, the request for authorization to the Director by the Head of Funds must reach the Missions Office 10 days before the start date of the mission. - missions for Switzerland: in this case the request for authorization to the Director by the Head of Funds must reach the Missions Office 7 days before the start date of the mission. Once the request has been submitted in the user portal, the system issues a mission number. The mission will follow the following authorization process: the Service Manager, the Fund Manager, the Director and the Missions Office. It is possible to review the mission before departure, if the mission has not completed the authorization process, the system will create another one with a new number. The mission can be considered authorized Only after receipt of the authorization notification from the missions office, no travel document or reservation can be made before authorisation. In the event that the mission is not carried out, please promptly notify the Missions Office, which will cancel it.
INFN circular on insurance coverage for staff The recent circular on insurance coverage for personnel - Details on coverage abroad is sent to all employees and associated personnel. In particular, with regard to non-EU missions, it is underlined that, while for public employees (aka INFN and university employees) healthcare takes place directly, for scholarship holders, PhD students, etc. (see point 3.) the assistance will be only indirectly, according to the methods indicated in the circular itself and on the Ministry page Staff are invited to read the circular prepared by the General Affairs Directorate. For information, contact the competent and CIRCULAR INFN
Conference FEE
The heading of invoices or receipts for registrations for conferences and congresses
must be as per
TRENITALIA spa: Contact the mission office for credentials and information
CISALPINA Tours spa: Inside the user portal you will find the “CISALPINA” icon. For further information, contact the mission office