• Participate

    First Bulletin

    Second Bulletin

    Conference Fee and Payment

    Information on conference fees and payment methods is available at this page.

    Accommodation Information

    Information about accommodation can be found at this page.

    Information on Meeting transportation

    Information about transportation can be found at this page.

    Young Researchers Grant

    The Organizing Committee of the 16th Pisa Meeting will provide grants to a limited number of young researchers (master’s/PhD students or early post-docs) who are submitting an abstract to the conference. Each grant may include a contribution to the accommodation and full coverage of the registration fee but will not cover travel expenses.

    List of the assigned grants:

    Abstract Submission

    Submission is closed. Notification of abstract acceptance or rejection has been e-mailed to the submitter. The Session Program will be available soon on indico.

    Poster Instructions

    Posters will be displayed in electronic form only through dedicated screens, and traditional, printed versions will not be accepted. Instructions at this link.

    Proceedings Instructions

    Both oral and poster contributions to the 16th Pisa Meeting will be published in a special issue of Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research (NIM-A). Instructions can be found on this page.

    Excursions and social events

    Information on social events is available at this link.