Lectures on Collider Detectors at the XIX TRIUMF Summer Insitute

Vancouver, Canada July 15-21 2007

Day 1: Introduction
- deconstructing a collider detector
- past choices
- showers, calorimeters, neutrinos
- life evolves and detectors too.
Day 2: From the past (SppS) to the present (Tevatron)
- Machine parameters and hadronic environment
- Tracking in a difficult environment
- selecting events for future use
- Particle Identification at a collider (leptons, leptons, photons...)
- Tracking and vertexing
- Operational issues
Day 3: Back to the future (LHC)
- How to design a detector at a new facility. Which is the compass?
- Why look for the Higgs in the hard channel (and how)
- Tracking is good (or it will)
- Let's start commissioning a 100 million channel detector
- worries: but material is too much?
Day 4: Future ?